Katalog notowań aukcyjnych starodruków polskich i obcych od 1945 roku

Nr katalogowy: 1103.

Blomberg, Karol Jan


An account of Livonia, with a relation of the rise, progress and decay of the Marian Teutonick Order. The several revolutions that have happen'd there to these present times, with the wars of Poland, Sweden and Muscovy, contending for that province. A particular account of thhe Dukedoms of Courland, Semigallia and the province of Pilten. To which is added the author's Journey from Livonia to Holland, in 1698 with his observations upon Prussia, Brandenbourgh, Hanover, Hesse, and several other german courts. Sent in letters to his friends in London. London: printed for Peter Buck, at the sign of the Temple, near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet. 1701.


Format: 8°

Liczba stron: 6 nlb., 335.

ilustracje: 3 mdzrt.


Estr. XIII, 169.

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